Zim firms to showcase at Zambian Expo
ZIMBABWE’s trade development and promotion organisation, ZimTrade, will for the second time lead local businesses’ participation at Agritech Expo to be held in Chisamba, Zambia next week. Agritech Expo is a specialised exhibition for the agricultural sector value chain and would run from 27 to 29 April. The expo is a business-to-business platform for agricultural professionals, from small-scale farmers to commercial enterprises. “Agritech provides a platform for companies to engage and conduct business with international buyers in the agricultural industry. Zimbabwean companies will showcase agrochemicals, veterinary products, fertilisers, agricultural equipment and implements, among other products,” said ZimTrade.
CTC to host Comesa competition policy workshop
THE Competition and Tariff Commission (CTC) is set to host a national sensitisation workshop on Comesa competition policy and law to raise awareness of the existence of regional and national competition laws. The workshop is set for May 16, 2017 in Harare. It is being hosted against the background that over 50 transactions involving cross-border mergers notified with the commission have involved the Zimbabwean market. The transactions include, among others, Atlas Mara Limited and Finance Bank of Zambia Limited, in the banking and financial services sector. Atlas Mara has a controlling shareholding in ABC Holdings which has banking units in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania under the BancABC brand. “The main objective of the national workshop is to raise awareness among the key stakeholders and business community in Zimbabwe with regards to the provisions and implementation of Comesa competition law,” CTC said in a statement.
ZITF seeks business linkages at fair
THE Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) Company says it has invited international business delegations and potential investors to meet local industry players during the annual fair to encourage business linkages and promote industrial development. Running under the theme, Harnessing Linkages for Industrial Development, the 58th edition of the ZITF runs from April 25 to 29 in Bulawayo. It will be officially opened by Namibian President Hage Geingob. ZITF Company general manager Nomathemba Ndlovu told NewsDay that for the last three to four years, their strategy had been to rebrand the ZITF to bring its focus back to industry.
TOBACCO auction and contract seasonal sales rose by 42%, raking in $125,83 million as of Wednesday last week compared to the same period last year as deliveries increased ahead of the Easter and Independence holiday. The Easter and Independence holidays ran from Friday up to yesterday. Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) spokesperson Isheanesu Moyo told NewsDay yesterday that though the current tobacco season was benefitting from the rainy season, last week saw tobacco farmers rush to the floors in search of cash ahead of the holidays. “The deliveries this season are generally higher, although due to the holidays people wanted to raise money for the holidays because the floors were going to be closed from Friday through to Tuesday (yesterday). People wanted to make money for the holidays so that they could use that money. But, generally this season is better than last season in terms of deliveries,” he said.
Front Image Credit: ZHCKL